Herbaceous Plants: Hot - Hyal (77)

Hot Bisquits Amaranth Hot Lips Daylily Hot Lips Pink Turtlehead Hot Town Daylily Hot Water Plant Hotline Red Scarlet Sage: splendens Hottentot Fig Houseleek Mrs. Giuseppi Houseleek Kalinda Houseleek, Cobweb (spp.) Houseleek, Cobweb Red Cobweb Houseleek, Hen and Chickens Houseleek, Spiderweb Houseleek: alba Houseleek: arachnoideum tomentosum, Cobweb Houseleek: carneum Houseleek: pomelii Houseleek: pumilum Houseleek: tectorum (spp.) Houseleek: tectorum Cleveland Morgan Houseleek: tectorum Violaceum Huldine Hybrid Clematis Hummelo Common Betony Hummingbird Flower Hummingbird Mint Acapulco Salmon & Pink Hummingbird Mint Blue Fortune Hummingbird Mint Hazy Days Hummingbird Mint Navajo Sunset Hummingbird Mint Pink Panther Hummingbird Mint Pink Pop Hummingbird Mint Purple Pygmy Hummingbird Mint Tutti Fruitti Hummingbird Mint: foeniculum Golden Jubilee Hummingbird Sage (spp.) Hummingbird Sage Lady in Red Hummingbird Sage: guaranitica Black and Blue Hummingbird Sage: guaranitica Costa Rica Hummingbird Sage: guaranitica Kobalt Hummingbird Sage: spathacea Hummingbird Yucca Hungarian Bear's Breeches Hungarian Speedwell (spp.) Huntsman's Cup Huntsman's Horn Peaches & Green Huron Sunrise Maiden Grass Hurricane Plant Husk Tomato, Mexican Husker Red Foxglove Penstemon Hyacinth Astilbe Hyacinth Bean (spp.) Hyacinth Bean Ruby Moon Hyacinth Bletilla Hyacinth, Dutch (spp.) Hyacinth, Dutch Atlantic Hyacinth, Dutch Jan Bos Hyacinth, Garden (spp.) Hyacinth, Garden Atlantic Hyacinth, Garden Jan Bos Hyacinth, Grape (spp.) Hyacinth, Grape White Hyacinth, Grape Blue Spike Hyacinth, Grape Double Blue Hyacinth, Grape Heavenly Blue Hyacinth, Grape Valene Finnis Hyacinth, Meadow Hyacinth, Summer Hyacinth, Water Hyacinth, White Grape White Hyacinth, Wild Hyacinth, Wild Romaud Hyacinth, Wood (spp.) Hyacinth: latifolium, Grape Hyacinth: princeps, Summer Hyacinth: pycantha, Grape Hyacinth: viridiflora, Summer Hyacinthina Hosta: fortunei Hyalis argentea